CMS Provider Types: Upcoming No-Cost Suicide Prevention For Service Providers in Rural Communities
August 1 and 15, 2024 Join a no-cost, live, interactive suicide prevention workshop, and gain access to one year of learning and interaction made possible by the UR Medicine Recovery Center of Excellence, with funding from the Health Resources & Services Administration. Register MGT 403: Underserved Populations Preparedness Planning For Rural Responders and Volunteers August 20th, 2024 This 8-hour management-level, instructor-led course is designed to prepare rural first responders, care providers, public health, and local volunteers with the basic knowledge, skills and abilities to develop a whole community approach to incident planning. View the full course description here. This course may be delivered locally, in person or virtually through the internet at no cost to participants or local hosts. The training benefits those working in law enforcement, public health, healthcare, emergency management, volunteers, and more. Request the course now by clicking here. L-1301: Continuity Planning Course September 17 & 18th, 2024 A course designed for continuity planners throughout the Whole Community. This course assists continuity practitioners with an understanding of their continuity roles and responsibilities, and provides them with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to help develop and maintain a viable continuity plan for their organization. The course does have a prerequisite of IS-1300 and can be completed here. Registration for L-1301 ends on August 31, 2024 More Information on L-1301 FEMA NETC Online Admissions Application Comprehensive Infection Prevention and Control Training Program The MDHHS Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Section recently partnered with Michigan Health & Hospital Association (MHA) Keystone Center to create a comprehensive infection prevention and control training program to support continuous learning in healthcare settings. The series includes six courses designed to integrate into an organization’s comprehensive infection prevention and control training plans. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for each course, which can be retained for employee training files. Courses 1, 2, and 6 are tailored for infection preventionist in acute and long-term care settings. These quality improvement courses walk infection preventionist through implementing quality improvement best practices, and how to conduct assessments in an infection control and prevention program. Courses 3, 4 and 5 are designed for all staff interacting with patients, including direct care staff, housekeeping, and food service. Course Modules and More Information PER-294: Testing an Emergency Operations Plan in Rural EOC This eight-hour performance-level course has been designed with a proactive approach to testing rural communities’ Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) environment. In the process, the course provides relevant and valuable training to elected officials, EOC personnel, and rural community leaders representing both public and private sector entities. Throughout the training session, participants are provided with opportunities to exchange perceptions and best practices while interacting with participants from responder organizations, public and private sectors organizations, as well as with other EOC personnel working at regional and state levels. The emphasis of this course is a performance-oriented exercise which allows course participants to replicate the roles of various EOC personnel in an effort to test their community’s EOP. In the event that the community receiving the training does not have a written EOP, participants will be provided with a model EOP written for a rural county in the fictitious state of Columbia. Register for a class by selecting a class date from the Training Schedule, click on the Registration link above the course description to access a registration form for that class. Request a new class to be scheduled in your area by submitting a Request a Course form. WRAP-EM Cybersecurity Fact Sheet The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant rise in telemedicine usage across healthcare organizations nationwide. This surge in digital care has also brought about increased challenges in securing patient data. WRAP-EM has highlighted cybersecurity as a crucial element in providing safe and effective virtual healthcare services. In response, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 405(d) Task Group has released specific cybersecurity guidelines for healthcare settings. WRAP-EM Cybersecurity Fact Sheet Healthcare Workplace Violence Speaker Series
Workplace safety affects all healthcare staff, patients, and visitors. ASPR TRACIE recently added two new recordings to our Workplace Violence Speaker Series:
Volunteer Management Topic Collection (Updated) During large-scale disasters or extended health emergencies, healthcare facilities may need to augment their teams (often with volunteers) to continue to provide patient care or support patient care services. The resources in the Volunteer Management Topic Collection include strategies, legal information, and planning templates to assist healthcare facilities with incorporating volunteers into their disaster management plans. The updated version includes new categories dedicated to Medical Reserve Corps experiences from the field and lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. NDMS Exercise
The next NDMS exercise will be held on Thursday, July 11, 2024. There will be two more exercises on Thursday, September 12, 2024, and Thursday, November 14, 2024 Juvare Training July 10-12th, 2024 This event is a pivotal opportunity for users of emergency preparedness and response software solutions to delve into the heart of digital innovation that directly impacts our communities. The conference will be held virtually July 10 to July 12, 2024 and is free of charge. Featured Sessions:
Abdominal Trauma Webinar July 10th, 2024 Please join us Wednesday, July 10, 2024 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. for a webinar on Abdominal Injuries. As a reminder, we will send out the link for the webinar to all registrants at 10:00 a.m. on the day of the session. To register for this webinar, go to: eLicensing Portal and register for Continuing Education Course: 24-ICE-09250 Preparedness Lunch and Learn July 16th, 2024 Through natural disasters, active assailant events and even pandemics, Healthcare Emergency Managers are consistently challenged to help their organizations plan, train and respond to incidents. In this Preparedness Lunch and Learn series of virtual trainings every third Tuesday of each month, we will continue to build knowledge for emergency managers. Credits are offered for EMS, NHA, CME, and CNE. Audience: EMS, Healthcare Coalitions, Hospitals, Long-Term Care, Local Emergency Management, Local Health Departments, Tribes, etc. Basic Disaster Life Support July 31, 2024 The NDLS course will be virtual and offered on MS Teams July 31, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It is a competency-based, awareness-level course that prepares health professionals for the management of injuries and illness caused by disasters and public health emergencies. This will be the last Statewide BDLS course offered before the August 7 Advanced Disaster Life Support (ADLS) class. BDLS is a pre-requisite to take ADLS. To register please contact Judy Wheeler. Registration will open 30 days prior to the class. Advanced Disaster Life Support August 7th, 2024 ADLS is a practical, hands-on course which follows BDLS and allows participants to demonstrate competencies in mass casualty management. Working through scenarios such as a mass casualty incident, decontamination, entrapment, and emergency operations center. BDLS is a pre-requisite and pre-course work is required. The ADLS course will be offered at 300 Nazareth Rd., Kalamazoo, MI. Courses open up one (1) month prior to the course date. Contact Judy Wheeler for the enrollment code. ICS 300 August 12-14, 2024 EPESoC will be hosting ICS 300 August 12 – August 14, 2024 in Lansing. Dr. Karla Black from Kent County Health Department and Luke Aurner, Region 6 Healthcare Coalition Coordinator will be teaching the course. This is a great course for health care, Healthcare Coalitions, local health departments, tribes, and others to attend. Below is the registration instructions and prerequisite information, space is limited, so register soon. Course registration is at MI-TRAIN, course ID # 1029037. MI-TRAIN Registration Instructions ICS 300 Prerequisites Emergency Response Volunteer Conference August 27th, 2024 Registration is now open for the MDHHS Emergency Response Volunteer Conference on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center in East Lansing, MI. Funding for this conference was made possible by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, Medical Reserve Corps – State, Territory and Tribal Nationals, representative organizations for next generation (MRC-STTRONG) Cooperative Agreement. This conference is free, in-person only, and attendance will be limited to 300 participants. Register online through MI-TRAIN (registration code 1115955). CEUs are available for:
A limited number of hotel rooms at the conference facility are also available at the discounted rate of $85/night. Attendees can call 800-875-5090 or book online with code 2408MIVOLU. Contact MVR Coordinator Stephanie Steele for more information. Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist Essentials
Applications Due March 15, 2024 In partnership with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), MDHHS Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated & Resistant Pathogens (SHARP) Unit is offering complimentary Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist (LTC IP) Essentials Trainings. Training attendees will also receive a free one-year APIC membership; existing members will receive a one-year extension. Training will occur on April 24-26, 2024. This training provides the foundation of the infection preventionist (IP) role and the practice of being an effective IP in a long-term care setting, including creating and managing successful IPC programs and mitigating risk at your facility. This training also covers CMS-required topics. To express an interest and initiate an application for attending the LTC IP Essentials April session, click on the link below for application instructions. The application submission period will conclude at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2024. Learn More and to Apply Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers Fifty-three (53) million Americans are caring for someone older, ill, or disabled. In many cases, they may be the only one attending to the daily needs of an elderly parent, disabled neighbor, or medically complex child. Those in their care depend on them for their safety and well-being—especially during emergencies. In recognition of their unparalleled dedication and commitment to those in their care, FEMA and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers have created this Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers to help them navigate the unique challenges that may arise when disasters strike. Read and Share the Full Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers Meet the CMS Requirement: Virtually Facilitated Tabletop Exercise for Skilled Nursing Facilities
Superior Health Quality Alliance is hosting a series of facilitated, virtual, tabletop exercises with functional elements will meet the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement for one annual, full-scale, community-based exercise. The scenario will focus on a cybersecurity threat with information technology failure, a commonly identified hazard in a facility Hazard Vulnerability Analysis. Participants will be encouraged to take action to test a functional element of their plan, such as testing their communications plan (internal or external), completing the Incident Action Plan Quick Start form, or contacting community partners for clarification on their roles and responsibilities. The exercise will be controlled virtually while participants gather in their own skilled nursing facility with their leadership team and invited community partners. There are a number of opportunities to attend one of these exercises from now until September 2024. Please share with your skilled-nursing facilities. For more information and registration click the link below. NIST SP 800-66 Rev.2: Implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule: A Cybersecurity Resource Guide NIST published the final version of Special Publication (SP) 800-66r2 (Revision 2), Implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule: A Cybersecurity Resource Guide. This publication, revised in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights, provides guidance for regulated entities (i.e., HIPAA-covered entities and business associates) on assessing and managing risks to electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI), identifies typical activities that a regulated entity might consider implementing as part of an information security program, and presents guidance that regulated entities can utilize in whole or in part to help improve their cybersecurity posture and assist with achieving compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. Dates and Registration Free Live Webinar: How SNFs Can Combat Burnout and Improve Nurse Retention February 26, 2024 McKnight Long-Term Care News and Inovalon are offering a free podcast-style discussion where actionable tips are presented to address staff burnout and turnover that can be implemented today. This discussion will help identify how — with the right technology in place — SNFs can be best positioned to meet 2024 goals. Regulated staffing levels are likely to impact quality care scores and reimbursements in SNFs in the future. And with a CMS Minimum Staffing Rule looming on the horizon, SNFs are looking for answers on how to get ahead of the curve. Among the top strategies to address nurse burnout, many themes continue to stand out: improving communication, increasing flexibility, and supplementing staff. Learning objectives:
Laurie Laxton, RN,BSN,CMAS,CCFA,RAC-CT,IP-BC,QCP, Principal Clinical Trainer at Inovalon. Register for the Webinar State Plans Available in MIHAN for Review During 2023 and 2024, the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, EMS and Systems of Care has been working hard to complete plans and training for Healthcare Coalitions and other partners to use in their own planning and training. Please review the documents in the MIHAN for resources that may be useful. Currently, all documents are found under “Resource Sharing”, “Operational Guidelines/Plans/Regions”. Updated documents with their titles are found in the picture below: Please contact Jessica Gould or Lauren Korte if you have questions about the documents. Reusable Health Care Textiles for Personal Protective Equipment March 4 and 5, 2024 The National Academies will host a public workshop to examine opportunities to increase the use of reusable health care textiles (HCTs) for personal protective equipment (PPE) used in health care settings. Technical experts, policy makers, manufacturers, PPE users in health care, and others will have the opportunity to explore the potential benefits and feasibility of integrating more reusable HCTs into health care operations. Learn more on the project page. Register Now Assessing the Burden and Potential Strategies to Address Antimicrobial Resistance March 4 and 5, 204 The National Academies Forum on Microbial Threats will host a virtual public workshop to address the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Millions of infections and deaths are associated with AMR annually, including resistant bacterial infections that are the leading causes of neonatal mortality worldwide. But there is a critical need to fully understand and consider how to quantify the impact of AMR throughout medical practice and everyday life, from treating cancer to optimizing food production. Speakers will touch upon current clinical hindrances and economic burdens of AMR, data availability and analytical methods, and emerging scientific breakthroughs. Discussions will reflect on potential new strategies that incorporate these insights to reduce the burden of AMR. Learn more on the event page. Registration Link 27th Annual Rural Health Conference April 25 and 26, 2024 The 27th Annual Michigan Rural Health Conference will take place Thursday, April 25, and Friday, April 26 at Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort in Mt. Pleasant. This year's agenda is nearing the final stages, packed with dynamic presenters and programming, to deliver the best Rural Health Conference to date! View the draft agenda here. Register for the Conference 2024 Great Lakes Homeland Security Training, Conference, and Expo - Registration Now Open! May 7-9, 2024 The 2024 Great Lakes Homeland Security Training, Conference, and Expo will be held May 7 - 9 at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is hosted in partnership by the Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Plan to attend for a dynamic three-day event packed full of presentations, panel discussions, keynote speakers, and networking as we work to enhance the capabilities of those who protect our homeland. This conference presents an opportunity to choose from 30 breakout sessions, visit over 40 vendors, and to collaborate with more than 1,000 professionals across multiple disciplines including, emergency management, law enforcement, fire, schools, and community health. Long Term Care Requirements CMS Emergency Preparedness Final Rule
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers Final Rule to establish consistent emergency preparedness requirements for healthcare providers participating in Medicare and Medicaid, increase patient safety during emergencies, and establish a more coordinated response to natural and human-caused disasters. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) worked closely with CMS in the development of the rule. Long Term Care Requirements Long Term Care Intro to the Incident Command System This learning module will provide introductory level information about the Incident Command System (ICS), including basic Incident Command roles and structure, as well as the relevant functions of Long Term Care (LTC) facilities in the ICS structure. Participation includes review of content, periodic knowledge checks, completion of a post test with a score of 80% or better and evaluation prior to obtaining credit. To take the course, visit MI-TRAIN, course ID # 1050947. Please share this with your HCC partners. Michigan Center for Rural Health Education Available The Michigan Center for Rural Health has various training programs available for providers through the Project ECHO® Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) program. Project ECHO®'s mission is to develop the capacity to demonopolize knowledge and amplify the capacity to provide best practice care for underserved people. Education series are available on infectious disease, one health and geriatrics. Additionally, EMS Continuing Education is available, and free to all participants. Project ECHO Information and Registration 2024 EMS Education Schedule FEMA Releases New Exercise Starter Kits
February 13, 2024 Exercises help the whole community to prepare for disasters and emergencies by providing opportunities to shape planning, assess and validates capabilities, and address areas for improvement. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Exercise Division (NED) has developed ten new Exercise Starter Kits to support exercise practitioners and emergency managers at all levels of government, the private sector and nonprofit organizations as they plan, conduct, and evaluate their exercises. The ten new kits cover the following topics:
The new kits align with FEMA’s 2023-2026 National Exercise Program Principals’ Exercise Priorities. Each kit contains a sample exercise facilitator and evaluator guide, sample conduct slides, a sample situation manual and a customizable placemat. All Exercise Starter Kits are available in the Emergency Management Toolkit section of FEMA’s Preparedness Toolkit. FEMA will host a series of webinars to discuss the new kits. All webinars will offer the same content. Registration is not required to attend. Visit FEMA’s Adobe Connect Room for the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) during one of the times listed below to participate:
If you are unable to attend one of the webinars listed above, a recorded version of the webinar will be available on the Preparedness Toolkit HSEEP Webinars page starting Feb. 1. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist Essentials Virtual Option: February 27-29, 2024 In Person: April 24-26, 2024 In partnership with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), MDHHS Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated & Resistant Pathogens (SHARP) Unit is offering complimentary Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist (LTC IP) Essentials Trainings. Training attendees will also receive a free one-year APIC membership; existing members will receive a one-year extension. This training provides the foundation of the infection preventionist (IP) role and the practice of being an effective IP in a long-term care setting, including creating and managing successful IPC programs and mitigating risk at your facility. This training also covers CMS-required topics. A virtual and an in-person session will be offered. Dates
To express your interest and initiate an application for attending the LTC IP Essentials February session, click on the link below for application instructions. Learn more and to apply HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Issues Guidance to the Nation's Hospital and Long-Term Care Facility Administrators Clarifying Their Obligations to Ensure Religious Non-Discrimination in Patient Visitation The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued guidance to U.S. hospital and long-term care facility administrators, reminding organizations of their independent obligations under Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations to ensure that facility visitation policies, including during a public health emergency, do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of religion; as well as their obligation not to discriminate on other protected bases under federal civil rights laws, against patients or other individuals receiving care. To help health care facilities understand their obligations, OCR is providing guidance titled FAQs on Patient Visitation at Certain Federally Funded Entities and Facilities. This guidance provides examples demonstrating the importance of considering the religious needs of patients and other individuals when implementing visitation policies and procedures. Read the full press release Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist Essentials
Virtual Option: February 27-29, 2024 In Person: April 24-26, 2024 In partnership with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), MDHHS Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated & Resistant Pathogens (SHARP) Unit is offering complimentary Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist (LTC IP) Essentials Trainings. Training attendees will also receive a free one-year APIC membership; existing members will receive a one-year extension. This training provides the foundation of the infection preventionist (IP) role and the practice of being an effective IP in a long-term care setting, including creating and managing successful IPC programs and mitigating risk at your facility. This training also covers CMS-required topics. A virtual and an in-person session will be offered. Dates
To express your interest and initiate an application for attending the LTC IP Essentials February session, click on the link below for application instructions. Learn more and to apply Free Emergency Preparedness Training Available The Advancing Resilience for Community Health in Emergency Response (ARCHER) program is a free series of resources and training on emergency preparedness topics designed for health center staff. Developed by Healthcare Ready and the Centene Charitable Foundation, ARCHER provides resources for those responsible for daily preparedness planning and individuals new to the field and interested in learning more. Training resources are provided to guide teams through:
Free resources are available here! Operation Shelter-in-Place: A HazMat Incident – Training & Exercise Program for Healthcare Facilities The Northeast Florida Healthcare Coalition (HCC) and Northeast Florida Local Emergency Planning Committee for Hazardous Materials (LEPC) partnered to create a training and exercise program intended to enhance the shelter-in-place capabilities of healthcare facilities in the event of a hazardous materials incident. The materials provided may be useful tools that you may use when creating similar education, training, and exercise items that meet the needs of our Michigan partners and facilities. Operation Shelter-in-Place Training & Exercise Documents Free On-Demand Webinars Available free of charge until January 19, 2024 In celebration of Health Law Week, the American Health Law Association (AHLA) is providing two on-demand, previously recorded, webinars at no charge January 8-19, 2024: Reminder is for facilities within the Patient Safety Component of NHSN that participate in the CMS Promoting Interoperability Program
Beginning in 2024, reporting to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Antimicrobial Use and Resistance (AUR) Module will be required under the Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange objective of the CMS Promoting Interoperability Program. Eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals are required to be in active engagement with CDC to report both AU and AR data. Facilities will receive a report from NHSN indicating their successful submission of AUR data for the EHR reporting period or claim an applicable exclusion. The first step in active engagement is registering intent to submit AUR data within the NHSN system. This action must be performed by the facility administrator. Registration of intent must be completed within 60 days after the start of the EHR reporting period. Once this step is completed, NHSN will begin requesting test files. Per the CMS measure specifications, hospitals should respond to the request for test files within 30 days. Failure to respond twice within an EHR reporting period will result in that eligible hospital not meeting the measure. If hospitals have any questions about NHSN AUR Reporting, they may reach out to the Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated and Resistant Pathogens (SHARP) Unit at [email protected]. For more information and additional resources, please see the materials in the Antimicrobial Use and Resistance section of CMS Reporting Requirements for Acute Care Hospitals page. November 1, 8, and 15, 2023
Antimicrobial Stewardship webinar series co-hosted by the Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated and Resistant Pathogens and the Infection Prevention Units. Each 60-minute webinar will dive into crucial aspects of Antimicrobial Stewardship, bringing actionable insights and strategies. Audience: Skilled nursing facility Directors of Nursing, Infection Preventionists, Directors of Environmental Services, and other Michigan health professionals interested in Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Development. November 1: Business Case for Building an Antibiotic Stewardship Program in Skilled Nursing Facilities. November 8: How to Establish an Antibiotic Stewardship Committee/Program. November 15: Antibiotic Stewardship Education in Skilled Nursing Facilities. Register Here |
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