Hospital Mass Casualty Response Plan Considerations
From ASPR-TRACIE: The term “mass casualty incident” (MCI) refers to the combination of patients and care requirements that require mobilization of additional resources to meet the demand. MCIs generally occur without warning and a concise plan is needed to ensure rapid and efficient response. The Hospital Mass Casualty Response Plan Considerations document can assist hospitals in developing a new—or vetting an existing—MCI plan. Hospital Mass Casualty Response Plan Considerations 27th Annual Rural Health Conference
April 25 and 26, 2024 The 27th Annual Michigan Rural Health Conference will take place Thursday, April 25, and Friday, April 26 at Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. This year's agenda is nearing the final stages, packed with dynamic presenters and programming, to deliver the best Rural Health Conference to date! View the draft agenda here. Register for the Conference 2024 Great Lakes Homeland Security Training, Conference, and Expo - Registration Now Open! May 7-9, 2024 The 2024 Great Lakes Homeland Security Training, Conference, and Expo will be held May 7 - 9 at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is hosted in partnership by the Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Plan to attend for a dynamic three-day event packed full of presentations, panel discussions, keynote speakers, and networking as we work to enhance the capabilities of those who protect our homeland. This conference presents an opportunity to choose from 30 breakout sessions, visit over 40 vendors, and to collaborate with more than 1,000 professionals across multiple disciplines including, emergency management, law enforcement, fire, schools, and public health. 2024 MI Special Pathogens Response Network (SPRN) Conference June 18, 2024 The 2024 Michigan Special Pathogens Response Network (SPRN) Conference will be held on June 18, 2024. This one-day event will include training in the morning and an afternoon exercise for hospitals and EMS agencies. Please share the save the date with HCC partners. Save the Date for the 2024 MI SPRN Conference MDRO Management Webinar March 6, 2024 MDHHS Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated & Resistant Pathogens Unit is providing a comprehensive webinar on managing Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) and leveraging the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). This webinar will delve into topics including Carbapenemase-Producing Organisms and Candida auris reporting, case investigations, and strategies for supporting robust Infection Prevention and Control measures. Discover how local health departments are collaborating and pooling resources to tackle MDRO cases effectively. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and readiness in combating MDRO threats within your community. Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Register Here American Hospital Association (AHA) Podcast: Supporting Heart-Healthy Pregnancies, Postpartum Care Listen to the latest episode of AHA's Advancing Health podcast which explores the medical complications that can accompany pregnancy, successful prenatal and postpartum treatment programs, and how hospitals and health systems are addressing the social needs of new mothers. Pregnancy is a major stressor on a woman’s body, with cardiovascular conditions being one of the most prevalent complications and leading causes of maternal mortality. In this episode, learn how Orlando Health is reaching outside its walls to support heart-healthy pregnancies and postpartum periods for new mothers. Listen to the full podcast episode from AHA. Stop the Bleed: Liability Clauses in Michigan The liability laws in Michigan are specific. The only times that a bystander has immunity is for specific carve outs such as CPR, naloxone, and epi pens. There is no mention anywhere of Stop the Bleed. So, civil liability exception is broad, EMS liability exception is broad, health care professional good Samaritan liability protection is broad. No bystander immunity for Stop the Bleed. This is the current language that we have been discussing doing before each course and/or attached to our kits is:
Save the Date: Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals (AHEPP) 2025 Conference Save the Date The AHEPP Annual 2025 Pre-Conference and Conference is scheduled for February 24 - 26, 2025 in Orlando, Florida. More Information and Early Registration Available Here Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE) Update The MRSE Support Team has resumed hosting monthly office hours to provide technical assistance and discuss any questions about MRSE planning, executing, and reporting. March office hours have not been announced. The MRSE Support Team and project officers are available to assist with MRSE planning, execution, and Exercise Reporting Tool reviews. A MRSE Recipient Review Guide to aid recipients in their final review of MRSE Tools before HCC submission to the Coalition Assessment Tool. The guide will be published on the MRSE web page in the coming weeks. Please submit any questions to the MRSE mailbox. You may also request a one-on-one session with the MRSE Support Team by emailing the MRSE mailbox.
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers Fifty-three (53) million Americans are caring for someone older, ill, or disabled. In many cases, they may be the only one attending to the daily needs of an elderly parent, disabled neighbor, or medically complex child. Those in their care depend on them for their safety and well-being—especially during emergencies. In recognition of their unparalleled dedication and commitment to those in their care, FEMA and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers have created this Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers to help them navigate the unique challenges that may arise when disasters strike. Read and Share the Full Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers CMS Statement on Continued Action to Respond to the Cyberattack on Change Healthcare The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is continuing to monitor and assess the impact that the cyberattack on UnitedHealth Group’s subsidiary Change Healthcare has had on all provider and supplier types. Today, CMS is announcing that, in addition to considering applications for accelerated payments for Medicare Part A providers, we will also be considering applications for advance payments for Part B suppliers. Over the last few days, we have continued to meet with health plans, providers and suppliers to hear about their most pressing concerns. As announced previously, we have directed our Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to expedite actions needed for providers and suppliers to change the clearinghouse they use and to accept paper claims if providers need to use that method. We will continue to respond to provider and supplier inquiries regarding MAC processes. CMS also recognizes that many Medicaid providers are deeply affected by the impact of the cyberattack. We are continuing to work closely with States and are urging Medicaid managed care plans to make prospective payments to impacted providers, as well. All MACs will provide public information on how to submit a request for a Medicare accelerated or advance payment on their websites as early as today, Saturday, March 9. CMS looks forward to continuing to support the provider community during this difficult situation. All affected providers should reach out to health plans and other payers for assistance with the disruption. CMS has encouraged Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations to offer advance funding to providers affected by this cyberattack. The rules governing CMS’s payments to MA organizations and Part D sponsors remain unchanged. Please note that nothing in this statement speaks to the arrangements between MA organizations or Part D sponsors and their contracted providers or facilities. CMS Statement Fact Sheet |
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