ASPR TRACIE and the NETEC are hosting a webinar on Lessons Learned in Developing an Effective Regional Ebola Concept of Operations Plan,August 10 from 2-3 PM ET.
Please find an attached Save the Date flyer for the March 24th, 2016, Ebola/Special Pathogen Response Network (SPRN) Conference & Tabletop Exercise hosted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Bureau of EMS, Trauma and Preparedness (BETP), and Bureau of Disease Control, Prevention, and Epidemiology. Attendance is encouraged.
The National Ebola Training and Education Center is providing two-day training courses to US hospitals identified as treatment and/or assessment sites for care of patients under investigation (PUI) for Ebola or those with known Ebola virus disease. In addition, state and local health departments are encouraged to participate and collaborate with hospitals via attendance at these training courses.
Please see below for dates, locations and links for registration. |
February 2024
DisclaimerMany events listed on this page are not funded by Region 7 HCC.
Region 7 HCC funded events will be labeled as such. If you are hosting an event and would like Region 7 HCC to share information about it, please let us know via email. |