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Caring for Kids: A Region 7 and FEMA Region V Pediatric Surge Exercise Thursday, April 25, 2024 BJ's Catering and Event Center in Gaylord, Michigan Information is provided below about openings for an upcoming L0388 Advanced Public Information Officers Course that will be held in Berlin, VT, April 17–21, 2017. Attached is information on that specific offering along with a schedule of FY-17 offerings here in Emmitsburg and at field locations around the US. For additional information, the course director is Phil Politano, (301) 447-1343 or email [email protected] .
Course Description The National Response Framework (NRF) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) devote significant attention to the importance of emergency public information. Public information is one-third of one-fifth of NIMS under Command and Management, placing public information at the same level as the Incident Command System (ICS). With public information included as a function within NIMS and ICS, it is critical to address and provide training for this important element of emergency management. EMI's Public Information Officer (PIO) training curriculum includes courses delivered at the awareness, basic, intermediate, advanced and master levels. The awareness, basic and intermediate level courses were developed by EMI and are managed by state emergency management trainers who teach basic skills and techniques for use during small, localized, single-agency responses; preparedness campaigns; and escalating localized responses. The advanced level course is the fourth in the public information training series. It teaches participants additional skills for use during escalating incidents, including strategic communications and incident action planning as it relates to Joint Information Center (JIC) operations. The goal of this course is to:
FEMA does not provide stipend reimbursement for off-campus course deliveries. You will be responsible for all associated travel costs. There is no charge for the training. Selection Criteria: Full-time public information personnel who have completed the prerequisites.
Course Objectives
Prerequisite Courses:
In recognition of September’s National Preparedness Month and America’s PrepareAthon!, the DHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DHS Center) and FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Division are co-hosting a webinar on Responding to the Impact of Trauma and Toxic Stress Prior to & After a Disaster among Vulnerable Populations: A Faith- and Community-Based Approach on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT. This webinar will provide faith- and community-based organizations with tools, resources, and partnerships to help respond to the needs of vulnerable populations and communities traumatically impacted after all hazards, including active shooter incidents.
Website Update Training Opportunities - Course: L0388 Advanced Public Information Officers FEMA is hosting a series of 60-minute engagement webinars to highlight key proposed changes to NIMS, provide information on submitting feedback, and to answer participant questions. All webinars are open to individuals and communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations and all governments.
February 2024
DisclaimerMany events listed on this page are not funded by Region 7 HCC.
Region 7 HCC funded events will be labeled as such. If you are hosting an event and would like Region 7 HCC to share information about it, please let us know via email. |